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Tag: arte


libro on line

Arte delle reti / Net Art - Elementi per un atlante: liste e linee temporali


Il libro è il risultato di alcune esercitazioni didattiche realizzate dagli studenti all'interno dei corsi del prof. Tommaso Tozzi


Mapping Festival


The Mapping Festival is dedicated to the advancement of the VJ medium. It does so by initiating events where the medium of projecting images is combined with other currents in contemporary culture, and bringing these events to the people of Geneva and international visitors.




concorso internazionale di Videoarte, Musica, Letteratura, GifArt, Architettura-Desing- Paesaggio e LawArt, nato a gennaio 2009 come reazione critica al concorso RomaEuropa Webfactory per sviluppare una riflessione/azione sul senso dell'arte, della cultura e della creatività nel contemporaneo, sui modelli di accesso e sulla relazione fra proprietà intellettuale e nuovi modelli di business.


Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave


The 3rd annual Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave (CeC & CaC, pronounced "Sek & Sak") is to be played out across several venues of India International Centre, in New Delhi, India, through February 15-16-17, 2008 (a Friday-Saturday-Sunday in springtime, as usual).


V i d e o C h a n n e l 2008 video project environments


CologneOFF IV Festival theme: Here We Are! - “memory” and “identity” in an experimental context




Women, Technology and Networks in Eastern Europe

The exhibition project HACK.Fem.EAST seeks to present experimental and artistic practicesof artists and activists working in digital networks in Eastern Europe. Main topics are media, art and hacking. Protagonists are women or projects in which women play an important role.


Arti, biotecnologie e società


convegno di studi , Mercoledì 30 aprile 2008 ore 14.30; Roma - via Salaria, 113; Aula Wolf
Interventi di Jens Hauser, Massimo Canevacci, Alberto Marinelli, Antonio Tursi, Luisa Valeriani, Derrick de Kerckhove.


Memfest 2008 - Exploring radical beauty of comunication !


Memefest, the International Festival of Radical Communication born in Slovenia and rapidly reaching a critical mass worldwide is proud to announce its seventh annual competition. Once again, Memefest is encouraging students, writers, artists, designers, thinkers, philosophers, and counter-culturalists to submit their work to our panel of renowned judges.


Video Art Festival Miden


8-10 / July / 2010 Kalamata / Greece- Video Art Festival Miden is ready to strike again this summer inviting us on a journey to the visual universe of cotemporary global video-creation. An adventurous as much as delightful trip to the thoughts and quests of the avant-garde video-artists of the new generation who reflect the most sharp and interesting trends of contemporary art


Share Festival 2008 manufacTURINg

Dall’11 al 16 marzo 2008 la città di Torino ospita la quarta edizione del Piemonte Share Festival, punta di diamante del vasto programma culturale di Torino 2008 World Design Capital.


Still Digital after all These Years: How the Computer Transformed Painters into Geeks

Art on the edge once meant Painting. Not clean, representational, neat painting, but messy, expressive, abstract painting. Then the computer came along. Touted as a procedural machine, no one expected intuitive, non-procedural painters to turn to pixels. Why were so many expressionist painters drawn to the computer in the buggy days of mid-1980s, and how did it transform their visual language and output? What are they doing now? As one of the artists who made the leap, Rubin will discuss her own leaps, give an overview of the work of other artists, and look at how the computer continues to change concepts of imagery as it becomes a more available medium in previously less technologically advanced countries.


International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging

Computational Aesthetics will be held the Hotel Riviera in Lisbon, Portugal. It is the fourth event on this topic following a Workshop in 2005 in Girona, Spain, a Dagstuhl seminar in Germany in 2006, and a Symposium in 2007 in Banff, Canada. Accepted papers will be fully refereed and will be published by the Eurographics Association in their workshop proceeding series.



ARTNODES is an e-journal promoted by the UOC, the aim of which is to analyse the intersections between art, science and technology.

ARTNODES publishes contributions that focus on the reflection and study of the intersections between art, science and technology, from a formal, historical and conceptual point of view.



VIROSE is a non-profit organization dedicated to art and media technology based in Porto, Portugal. Normally is designated simply as an organization for the theory and practice of the old and the new media (Virose - art, theory, practice). It gathers artists, programmers, architects and others and runs a server with several areas, including an e-zine [http://www.virose.pt/vector] and free hosting areas.


Le estetiche del Cyberspazio

Tursi Antonio

Tratto da Antonio Tursi, Internet e il Barocco. L’opera d’arte nell’epoca della sua digitalizzazione, Roma, Cooper, 2004


Avant-garde as Software

Manovich Lev

The article analyses the uniqueness of the new media revolution by comparing it with the avant-garde revolution of the 1910s-1920s in the visual arts, design and film. The author argues that the 1920s avant-garde techniques were transformed into the conventions of modern human-computer interface and software, thus functioning as a foundation of post-industrial labour. He also claims that new media does, in fact, represent a new avant-garde for the information society, although it uses old modernist forms. If the 1920s avant-garde came up with novel forms for the new media of their time (photography, film, new printing and architectural technologies), the new media avant-garde introduces radically innovative ways of using already accumulated media. Thus, computer-based techniques of media access, manipulation and analysis are the new avant-garde.


Read_me, Run_me, Execute_me: Software and Its Discontents

Inke Arns

In the past two or so years the term generative art has become fashionable. It can be found in very different contexts, such as academic discourses, media art festivals, industrial design and architecture. Very often, the term is used —if not 100% synonymously for software art —as an equivalent for software art. Somehow generative art and software art are related to each other —but what exactly this relation is, is left mostly in the dark.



Kac Eduardo

For the past fifteen years, increasing numbers of artists around the world are working in collaborative mode with telecommunications. In their 'works', which we shall refer to as 'events', images and graphics are not created as the ultimate goal or the final product, as it is common in the fine arts. Employing computers, video, modems and other devices, these artists use visuals as part of a much larger interactive, bi-directional communication context. Images and graphics are created not simply to be transmitted by an artist from one point to another, but to spark a multidirectional visual dialogue with other artists and participants in remote locations.


translocation_new media/art: "Modernity at Large"

Appadurai Arjun

Interview with Arjun Appadurai by Anette Baldauf and Christian Hoeller.


Articoli e sagi di Eduardo Kac


Eduardo Kac è un artista e uno scrittore che indaga le dimensioni filosofiche e politiche dei processi di comunicazione. Egualmente interessato agli aspetti estetici e sociali dell'interazione verbale e non-verbale, nel proprio lavoro Kac esamina sistemi linguistici, scambi dialogici, e la comunicazione fra le specie. Le opere di Kac, che spesso connettono spazi virtuali e spazi fisici, propongono vie alternative alla comprensione del ruolo dei fenomeni di comunicazione nella formazione/costruzione di realtà consensuali.


sixteencolors - ansi art

Sixteen Colors was originally created as "Somnium" in 1999. Somnium was a small site that allowed users to view the current months' packs online. In the years since Sixteen Colors has grown to an attempt to create a comprehensive archive of the entire ANSI art and ASCII art scenes. In addition, the site attempts to create a historical record of artists, groups and scene events. Sixteen Colors currently boasts 3.683 packs. Users can view artworks by pack and year, artist and group. The community is also encouraged to add and edit metadata relating to packs, groups and artists. If you have a new pack or a pack that is missing from the archive you may upload it at any time.


Splashback: Rhizome’s Splash Pages, 1998-2002

Rhizome is pleased to announce the launch of “Splashback: Rhizome’s Splash Pages, 1998-2002,” an online exhibition featuring the 39 splash pages commissioned over a four-year period. “Splashback” offers a brief overview of online art and design practices from ten years ago through a nearly obsolete medium, the splash page.
