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23 items

Bibliografie on-line


di Massa Massimiliano e Guigoni Alessandra

BIBLIOGRAFIA TEMATICA A cura di Massimiliano di Massa e Alessandra Guigoni.

Bibliography on Chat Comunications

Beisswenger Michael

The subject of this bibliography are contributions on Computer-Mediated Communication, that deal with communication in webchats and IRC (partially also MUDs and MOOs) under the perspective of linguistics, communication research and/or social sciences.

Bibliography on Chat Communication (2000-2005), compiled by Michael Beißwenger, Dortmund University, Department for German Language and Literatu

Blog Research and References

an incomplete list - if you know of other articles please e-mail to keep the list as inclusive as possible. Articles appear in alphabetical order (or darn close) by first author last name.

Collezione di libri, saggi e tesi di laurea dedicate all'Open source

Disponibili sotto licenza Creative Commons testi completi di Sam Williams, Lawrence Lessig, Andrew St. Lauren, Simone Aliprandi, Carlo Gubbitosa, Elena Grandi

Cybercultura: verso un nuovo rapporto con la conoscenza?

Bitti Vincenzo

Un percorso tra i testi dell'Enciclopedia Multimediale delle Scienze Filosofiche - RAI. Gli effetti delle nuove tecnologie della comunicazione è un tema al centro della riflessione contemporanea. Come si stanno trasformando le società, le culture, gli stili di vita con l''introduzione di questi nuovi strumenti ? Poiché l'avvento dei nuovi media influenza potenzialmente tutti gli aspetti dell'attività umana, sono molti i settori in cui si articola questa analisi. Il lavoro, l'economia, la scuola, stanno gradualmente cambiando la loro fisionomia per effetto dell'introduzione di queste nuove tecnologie, ma è ancora difficile intravedere l'esito finale di queste trasformazioni.

Cyberculture: An Annotated Bibliography 1996-1998

Silver David

The following entries help to introduce and contextualize the emerging field of cyberculture. While some of the entries explore how cyberculture came to be, others examine how it could be. Unlike so many popular, hype-driven essays and articles (or what Mark Dery calls "cyberdrool") written about the Net, the entries included in this section are more historically, politically, and/or theoretically grounded. Taken together, the following books, essays, and articles represent a spectrum of perspectives regarding the Internet. While Negroponte and, to a certain extent, Benedikt celebrate its existence, Besser, Boal, and Shapiro question its application(s). Somewhere in between lie cultural critics such as Bruckman and Hayles, scholars less interested in celebrating or rejecting cyberculture than in defining its potential and parameters.

Doing research with Internet texts: a brief bibliography

Compiled by Laura J. Gurak, and the Internet Studies Center, University of Minnesota.


EFF "MOO_MUD_IRC" Archive. Last Updated Thu Mar 13 10:42:54 PDT 2003

Hyperlink to Donna Haraway

Last Modified: Jan 6, 2003.

Internet : una rassegna bibliografica italiana (versione 3.0, aggiornata al 1997-10-01)

Riccardo Ridi

Jean Baudrillard

Eddie Yeghiayan

Jean Baudrillard - A Bibliography Compiled by Eddie Yeghiayan (1956 - 2000)

Jean Baudrillard

Eddie Yeghiayan

Jean Baudrillard - A Bibliography Compiled by Eddie Yeghiayan (1956 - 2000)


Barlow, John Perry

I libri e gli articoli pubblicati da Barlow.

Media Anthropology Network - Bibliography

EASA Media Anthropology Network participants are putting together an annotated bibliography on media anthropology which can be found on this page.

Mobile Devices/SMS/Instant Messaging Social Science Research

Kotamraju Nalini P.

Bibliografia su telefonia cellulare e mobile e sms - instant messaging e ricerca sociale di Nalini P. Kotamraju (Department of Sociology, Barrows Hall Fourth Floor, Berkeley, California) - Bibliography-in-progress on social science research about mobile devices, mobile phone uses, SMS/texting, and instant messaging.

Net Web Art

SPUNTI BIBLIOGRAFICI A cura di Elena Giulia Rossi, Eleonora De Filippis, in occasione della mostra al MAXXI di Roma

Research Essays about the Net ( sito dismesso)

The very heart of the netzwissenschaft archive.

Research on Social Network Sites

Bibliografia on line sui Social Network.

For an overview of this space, including a definition of "social network sites," a history of SNSs, and a literature review, see boyd & Ellison's 2007 introduction to the JCMC Special Issue on Social Network Sites entitled Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. This frames what pieces are included in this list and why.

Resources on Race, Ethnicity, and Class and the Internet

Kali Tal

The list was prepared by Dr. Kali Tal of the University of Arizona in Tuscon.

Selected Readings in Computer-Mediated Communication, Communication Theory, Computer Networks, and the Internet

December John

This is a selected listing of items related to Computer-Mediated Communication, the Internet, and network information infrastructure and use. These items were on my qualifying exam reading list for the doctoral program in Communication and Rhetoric at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I took these exams in September, 1993. The first sections describe what the articles and books are about. Following these sections is the full bibliography.

Sociology of Cyberspace Bibliography

Virtually Islamic: Research and News about Islam in the Digital Age

Bunt Gary R. contains a broad range of regularly updated materials associated with Gary R. Bunt's research on Islam and Muslims in cyberspace. The Virtually Islamic Blog contains the very latest headlines and commentary on Islam and the net, and is designed to augment the content of Dr Bunt's publications. Other areas of the site include online bibliographies, research archives, and Islamic Studies Pathways . This is the mirror site to contains a broad range of regularly updated materials associated with Gary R. Bunt's research on Islam and Muslims in cyberspace. The Virtually Islamic Blog contains the very latest headlines and commentary on Islam and the net, and is designed to augment the content of Dr Bunt's publications. Other areas of the site include online bibliographies, research archives, and Islamic Studies Pathways - together with information on how to obtain Dr Bunt's publications.
