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Tag: educazione



Self-organised learning in the interactive Web. A change in learning culture?

4th EduMedia Conference 2008. Self-organised learning comprises all types of learning, offering a greater degree of self-determination as compared to traditional learning scenarios: self-determined learning gives the learner the chance to select learning contents (what do I want to study) and learning objectives (my goals) proactively. Nowadays this way of learning is increasingly supported by interactive learning environments in the internet and by social software (e.g. wikis, weblogs, e-portfolios, social bookmarks, YouTube, FaceBook, Flickr etc.). The internet may even be called a “place of informal learning”.But what exactly is “informal learning”?

4th Interdisciplinary EduMedia Conference June 2nd and 3rd, Salzburg, AT Salzburg Research and St. Virgil Education and Conference Centre wish to invite you to the interdisciplinary conference „Self-organised

Learning in the Interactive Web“, held in Salzburg on June 2nd and 3rd, 2008, and geared towards (media) educators, teachers, e-learning trainers, educational scientists, educational technologists and everyone interested in e-learning.

Self-organised learning comprises all types of learning, offering a greater degree of self-determination as compared to traditional learning scenarios: self-determined learning gives the learner the chance to select learning contents (what do I want to study) and learning objectives (my goals) proactively. Nowadays this way of learning is increasingly supported by interactive learning environments in the internet and by social software (e.g. wikis, weblogs, e-portfolios, social bookmarks, YouTube, FaceBook, Flickr etc.). The internet may even be called a “place of informal learning”. But what exactly is “informal learning”?

This year’s 4th interdisciplinary EduMedia Conference offers a platform for a critical assessment of the current situation regarding the sustainable use of webbased education technologies in self-organised learning processes in all areas of education:

Have the various didactical concepts of self-organised learning in Web 2.0 proved their value? What are the advantages of informal learning, supported by social software, for creating innovative ideas?

What relevance has involvement in media pedagogy and media education and personal IT-competence for procuring a change in learning culture?

What future strategies of information search and information processing are required to keep young people from getting lost in the information overload of the interactive web?

What are the features of digital learning assessment and evaluation for webbased learning, in order to keep self-organised learning from becoming “unorganised” or “random”? Which basic ethical parameters can be defined in an open, digital space for self-organised learning?

During the conference we offer various practical workshops and an e-portfolio forum. A panel discussion on “Multiple Digital Identities – Blessing or Curse?” is meant to be a trigger for discussions on social networks. In an interactive World Café ideas and suggestions will be worked out on how the changes in learning culture can be put into practice. For the first time there will be a call for papers for the technology track. For the range of topics “Technology Support for Self-organised Learners”, held in English, the invitations have been issued under the academic coordination of the Open University of the Netherlands, the TENCompetence Network (EU Integrated Project) and Salzburg Research. The current list of speakers can be seen in www.tencompetence.org.

Target Groups:
Educators and teachers
E-learning trainers
Media educators
Educational scientists and educational technologists Conference languages: German and English, translations of the lectures are planned (except for the Technology Track) Date: Monday, 2nd June 2008 and Tuesday 3rd June 2008

Venue: St.Virgil Education and Conference Centre, Ernst-Grein-Straße 14, A-5026 Salzburg Organiser: Salzburg Research, St.Virgil Salzburg and Open University of the Netherland

Downlod the program in pdf
