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Tag: scuola



We-Learning: Social Software and E-Learning - I

Kaplan-Leiserson Eva

Early e-learning traded technology for human interaction. Now, the personal element is being added back in. New social software tools borrowed from business and the younger generations combine tech and touch for the best of all possible worlds (including virtual ones).

Early e-learning traded technology for human interaction. Now, the personal element is being added back in. New social software tools borrowed from business and the younger generations combine tech and touch for the best of all possible worlds (including virtual ones).
In their rush to jump on the e-learning bandwagon, many companies created what is derogatively termed by some as shovelware: text-heavy content dumped online without much thought given to its usability or interactivity. Fortunately, that’s changing slowly. More companies are using real-time learning events, virtual classrooms, and interactive simulations to reintroduce the human (or almost human) element into learning technology.
