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Forte Maximilian C.

Forte Maximilian C.

Maximilian C. Forte, Ph.D. Anthropology (University of Adelaide), Assistant Professor. Dr. Forte is conducting ongoing research focused on indigenous peoples of the Caribbean and their current cultural and political resurgence, with interests in the cultural politics of indigeneity, nationalism, indigenous self-representations, ritual and tradition, and the transnational organization of indigenous peoples in the Caribbean and across the Americas. He has published in Cultural Survival Quarterly, Indigenous Affairs, and in annual volumes of The Indigenous World.

He is also the author of ­Ruins of Absence, Presence of Caribs: (Post) Colonial Representations of Aboriginality in Trinidad and Tobago, and is the editor of Indigenous Resurgence in the Contemporary Caribbean. Forte is the founding and current editor of two online resources, the Caribbean Amerindian Centrelink and Kacike: The Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology.


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