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Poster Mark

Poster Mark

I teach at the University of California, Irvine in the History Department, the Department of Film and Media Studies, and the Critical Theory Emphasis. I have courtesy appointments in the Department of Information and Computer Science and the Department of Comparative Literature. Some of my recent publications are: What's the Matter with the Internet? (University of Minnesota Press, 2001), The Second Media Age (Blackwell, 1995), The Mode of Information (Chicago Press, 1990) and Cultural History and Postmodernity (Columbia University Press, 1997). A collection of pieces old and new with a critical introduction by Stanley Aronowitz is published as The Information Subject (G & B Arts International, 2001). I continue my study of the social and cultural theory of electronically mediated information with a forthcoming work entitled Information Please: Culture and Politics in a Digital Age (Duke University Press, 2006). A full bibliography of my works may be found at this site .


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