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items: 201
in ordine cronologico ascendente


Freie Software im Empire


(1) Seit einiger Zeit sorgt ein Buch für ziemlich grosses Aufsehen, nämlich "Empire" von Michael Hardt und Antonio Negri. Spätestens seit dem die deutsche Übersetzung erschienen ist, gibt es auch hierzulande einen regelrechten Hype um das Buch und inzwischen kann man auch schon einen Gegen-Hype feststellen, weil am laufenden Band Verrisse erscheinen. Ich will das jetzt nicht im Einzelnen wiedergeben, wer sich dazu ein Bild machen will, sollte vielleicht einfach mal mit "Empire", "Negri" und "Hardt" googlen und wird genügend Lesestoff finden. Alle Seitenangaben im Folgenden beziehen sich auf die deutsche Ausgabe. [Nascondi commenti] (2) Nachdem ich das Buch tatsächlich g



The Vulnerable Video Blogger: Promoting Social Change through Intimacy


Many people cannot understand why it would be important or interesting to watch intimate, spontaneous events in the lives of bloggers. People who are unfamiliar with the diary form of video blogging are often critical of this genre, seeing it as self-centered and obsessed with filming micro-events with no particular point or relevance beyond the videomaker's own life. Yet, many video bloggers argue that it is precisely by putting these intimate moments on the Internet for all to see that a space is created to expose and discuss difficult issues and thereby achieve greater understanding of oneself and others. Public access to intimate moments and the discourse surrounding the video artifacts on the Web allow social boundaries and pre-existing assumptions to be questioned and refashioned. In this paper I explore some of the themes that women have raised on video blogging sites by exploring their intimate moments. In particular, I wish to discuss videos made by women video bloggers who explore ideas about self-image, diversity, and helping Internet strangers…



On Distributed Society. The History of the Internet as a Guide to a Sociological Understanding of Communication and Society


As early as 1960, the Internet pioneer J. C. R. Licklider stated: " In due course [the computer] will be part of the formulation of problems: part of real-time thinking, problemsolving, doing of research, conducting of experiments, getting into the literature and finding references... And it will mediate and facilitate communication among human beings. Licklider expressed the hope that the computer “ through its contribution to formulative thinking... will help us understand the structure of ideas, the nature of intellectual processes. The “most important present function of the digital computer in the university should be to catalyse the development of computer science.


Huston Geoff,

A Decade in the Life of the Internet


The evolutionary path of any technology can often take strange and unanticipated turns and twists. At some points simplicity and minimalism can be replaced by complexity and ornamentation, while at other times a dramatic cut-through exposes the core concepts of the technology and removes layers of superfluous additions. The technical evolution of the Internet appears to be no exception, and contains these same forms of unanticipated turns and twists.


Bush Vannevar, 1945



Nel 1945 il fisico Vannevar Bush pubblicò l'articolo "As we may think" nel quale si poneva la questione "come possiamo orientarci in mezzo all'enorme quantità di informazioni e di conoscenze che la nostra società produce?".


Thomsen Steven R., 1988

Ethnomethodology and the study of online communities: exploring the cyber streets


Drawing from the authors’ current research programs, this essay explores the basic dimensions of online communities and the concomitant need for scholars to rethink the assumptions that undergrid historic paradigms about the nature of social interaction, social bonding, and empirical experience.


Kapor Mitchell and Barlow John Perry, 1990



Over the last 50 years, the people of the developed world have begun to cross into a landscape unlike any which humanity has experienced before. It is a region without physical shape or form. It exists, like a standing wave, in the vast web of our electronic communication systems. It consists of electron states, microwaves, magnetic fields, light pulses and thought itself.


Stoll, Cliff, 1990

The Skeptic


"When I'm online, I'm alone in a room, tapping on a keyboard, staring at a cathode-ray tube. I'm ignoring anyone else in the room. The nature of being online is that I can't be with someone else. Rather than bringing me closer to others, the time that I spend online isolates me from the most important people in my life, my family, my friends, my neighborhood, my community."


Donna Haraway,, 1991

A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century


Donna Haraway, "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century," in Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature (New York; Routledge, 1991), pp.149-181.


Haraway Donna, 1992

The Promises of Monsters: A Regenerative Politics for Inappropriate/d Others


Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson, Paula A. Treichler, eds., Cultural Studies (New York; Routledge, 1992) , pp. 295-337.
"The Promises of Monsters" will be a mapping exercise and travelogue through mind-scapes and landscapes of what may count as nature in certain local/global struggles. These contests are situated in a strange, allochronic time-the time of myself and my readers in the last decade of the second Christian millenium-and in a foreign, allotopic place-the womb of a pregnant monster, here, where we are reading and writing.


Kac Eduardo, 1992



For the past fifteen years, increasing numbers of artists around the world are working in collaborative mode with telecommunications. In their 'works', which we shall refer to as 'events', images and graphics are not created as the ultimate goal or the final product, as it is common in the fine arts. Employing computers, video, modems and other devices, these artists use visuals as part of a much larger interactive, bi-directional communication context. Images and graphics are created not simply to be transmitted by an artist from one point to another, but to spark a multidirectional visual dialogue with other artists and participants in remote locations.


Bruckman, Amy S., 1992

Identity Workshop: Emergent Social And Psychological Phenomena In Text-Based Virtual Reality



Curtis Pavel, 1992

Mudding: Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities


A MUD (Multi-User Dungeon or, sometimes, Multi-User Dimension) is a network-accessible, multi-participant, user-extensible virtual reality whose user interface is entirely textual. Participants (usually called players) have the appearance of being situated in an artificially-constructed place that also contains those other players who are connected at the same time. Players can communicate easily with each other in real time.


Bruckman, Amy S., 1993

Gender Swapping on the Internet



Cisler Steve, 1993

Community Computer Networks: Building Electronic Greenbelts


What are community networks? What sorts of information and services can you find on these systems? What groups are starting and running community networks? How costly are the systems, and what are the sources of funding? This essay will discuss a number of current models for community networks, examine what impact they can have on the environment in which they grow, and make a few wild guesses about the future of such networks given the changes in computing and telecommunications technologies.


Dibbell Julian, 1993

A Rape in Cyberspace


They say he raped them that night. They say he did it with a cunning little doll, fashioned in their image and imbued with the power to make them do whatever he desired. They say that by manipulating the doll he forced them to have sex with him, and with each other, and to do horrible, brutal things to their own bodies. And though I wasn't there that night, I think I can assure you that what they say is true, because it all happened right in the living room -- right there amid the well-stocked bookcases and the sofas and the fireplace -- of a house I came later to think of as my second home.


Hawks Andy, 1993

Future Culture Manifesto


You are five years old. You are lieing on a grassy hill, blowing bubbles up into a clear field of blue sky. Bubbles. Right now, as a five year old child, you look at the bubbles, and words pop into your head: "pretty", "oooooo", "float". To you, the bubbles are almost like people -- at least somewhat analogous to Bugs Bunny or a Smurf. Your wide eyes follow the bubbles as they traipse along the gentle prevailing curves of soft winds, turning, rotating, revolving endlessly in the air. A sunray beams its light through one particular bubble you have been admiring, and within its midst your eyes become privy to a new world -- a heretofor unknown domain of chaotic rainbows swirling about along the bubble. The colors, like a sentient anthill, work at once individually and synergetically to give the bubble it's unique flavor, an individual identity among the community of bubbles.


Cromosoma X, 1993



"Le femministe cyborg devono sostenere che noi non vogliamo più nessuna matrice di unità e che nessuna costruzione è l'insieme. L'innocenza, unitamente al corollario del vittimismo come unico territorio dell'interiorità ha già fatto abbastanza danno (...)"


Lee Felsenstein, 1994

How Community Memory Came to Be, Part 1


The Origins of Community Memory. The Community Memory Project had its origins in my quest for the right medium for the growth and realignment of communities. I had been through the 1960s in Berkeley, and had seen episodic community creation in 1964 with the Free Speech Movement.


Derrick De Kerckhove, 1995

La mente umana e le nuove tecnologie di comunicazione.


Gli effetti delle nuove tecnologie sul nostro modo di pensare.


records: 201