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Web_site Histories - Theories, Methods, Analysis

University of Aarhus, Denmark

A one-day conference organized by The Centre for Internet Research, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Organizers Niels Brügger and Vidar Falkenberg. The conference takes place October 14th 2008

Confirmed keynote speakers are Kirsten A. Foot from the University of Washington and Steven Schneider from SUNY Institute of Technology in New York.

The conference is associated the AoIR "Internet Research 9.0" conference "Rethinking Communities, Rethinking Place" in Copenhagen (http://conferences.aoir.org)

Important dates

  • April 15th 2008 - Deadline for abstract submissions
  • May 15th 2008 - Authors notified of accepted abstracts
  • August 31st 2008 - Full paper deadline
  • October 14th 2008 - Conference


Storia di Internet,
