Pervasive Persuasive Technology and Environmental Sustainability
Pervasive Persuasive Technology and Environmental Sustainability
Workshop to be held at the 6th International Conference on Pervasive
Computing, 2008
May 19-22, Sydney, Australia
Environmental sustainability and climate change are issues which must
no longer be ignored by anyone, any industry or any academic
community. The pervasive technology, ubiquitous computing and HCI
community is slowly waking up to these global concerns. The Nobel
Peace Price 2007 was awarded to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ?for their efforts to build up and
disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to
lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract
such change?. The citation highlights the urgency of the fact that
information and awareness around causes and implications are
necessary but not sufficient to combat climate change. Action is
The key theme of this workshop around environmental sustainability
will be addressed threefold:
1. Providing people with environmental data and educational
information ? via mass communications such as film, TV and print and
new media, or micro communications such as pervasive sensor networks
(cf. Participatory Urbanism and Ergo at urban-atmospheres.net; real-
time Rome at senseable.mit.edu; biomapping.net; placeengine.com) ?
may not trigger sufficient motivation to get people to change their
habits towards a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle. This
workshop seeks to develop a better understanding how to go beyond
just informing and into motivating and encouraging action and change.
2. Pervasiveness can easily turn invasive. It has already caused
negative consequences in biological settings (e.g., algae in lakes
and oceans, kudzu vine in the southeastern US, rabbits and cane toads
in Australia). Pervasive can be a dangerous term when the ecological
impacts are disregarded. Pervasive technology is no different. In
order to avoid further serious damage to the environment, this
workshop aims to lay the foundations to start re-considering the
impact of pervasive technology from an ecological perspective.
3. Addressing the 21st century Digital Divide: The mass uptake of
pervasive technology brings about digitally networked and augmented
societies; however, access is still not universal. Castells and
others use the notion of the ?digital divide? to account for those
whose voices are not heard by this technology. Initially, the divide
was seen only between the first and third worlds and then between
urban and rural, but with today?s near ubiquitous coverage, the
digital divide between humans and the environment needs to be
addressed. Virtual environments could give the natural world an
opportunity to ?speak?. How can we address imbalances? For example,
sensors embedded in the environment could allow creeks and rivers to
blog their own pollution levels, local parks can upload images of
native bird life. Can the process of ?blogging sensor
data? (sensorbase.org) assist us in becoming more aware of the needs
of nature? How can we avoid the downsides?
We kindly ask prospective participants to submit a position paper
(2-4 pages total, in English, .doc, .rtf or .pdf file formats)
related to one of the workshop topics to Marcus Foth at m.foth [AT]
qut.edu.au by January 25, 2008. Each submission should include a
short biography stating the author?s background and motivation for
attending the workshop. Papers will be reviewed by the workshop
committee and selected on the basis of relevance, originality and
impact. Accepted position papers will appear in the Pervasive 2008
Workshops Proceedings. A template will be made available at the
Pervasive 2008 website. The workshops proceedings will also be
published online and distributed electronically at the conference (on
a CD or memory stick). All workshop participants will need to
register for the conference.
Further information is available at
Marcus Foth, Queensland University of Technology
Christine Satchell, Queensland University of Technology
Eric Paulos, Intel Research Berkeley
Tom Igoe, Interactive Telecommunications Program, Tisch School of the
Arts, New York
Carlo Ratti, SENSEable City Laboratory, MIT
Dr Marcus Foth
Australian Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation
Queensland University of Technology (CRICOS No. 00213J)
Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane QLD 4059, Australia
Phone +61 7 313 x88772 - Fax x88195 - Office Z6-511
m.foth@qut.edu.au - http://www.vrolik.de/publications/
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