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A collection of resources about

22 items


Resources on Race, Ethnicity, and Class and the Internet


Kali Tal

The list was prepared by Dr. Kali Tal of the University of Arizona in Tuscon.


Research Association




Photoinsight is a website dedicated to issues of ethnicity, identity and cultural difference.


Research Association

Racesci - History of race in science



The RaceSci Website is a resource for scholars and students interested in the history of "race" in science, medicine, and technology. RaceSci is dedicated to encouraging critical, anti-racist and interdisciplinary approaches to our understanding of the production and uses of "race" as a concept within the history of science. Instead of assuming race as a natural category that science then uncovers, this site assembles scholarly works that look at how cultural processes of racialization have profoundly shaped knowledge about humanness, health, and even our understanding of "nature" itself.


Research Association

Online/More Colour in the Media



Online/More Colour in the Media is a network of minority organisations and multicultural NGO’s, local and national broadcast media, training institutes and media education organisations, and aims to improve the representation of ethnic minorities in the media.


Research Association

Center for Black Studies - University Santa Barbara- California


University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Academic Mission To organize, promote and administer interdisciplinary research among faculty and students on the social, political, historical, cultural, and economic experiences of people of African descent. The Center is also committed to facilitating rapport between people of African descent and other people of color as well as with the US population in general. To disseminate the research products and the ideas generated therein through a variety of mechanisms including, but not limited to working papers, edited volumes, special editions of journals, conferences and colloquia. To provide training in interdisciplinary scholarship for faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates. Public Mission One goal of the Center's research agenda is active engagement in shaping and implementing public policy. Therefore, the academic mission is complemented by a public mission. The Center's research agenda uniquely positions us to provide a critical synthesis of issues of race, social equality and justice. Furthermore, the broader public mission embraces a commitment to community collaboration. This collaboration can take on many forms, including: enhancing communication between the university and the community on issues of mutual concern; facilitating access for the community to university resources; participating in the development and implementation of community based educational and social initiatives; providing co-sponsorship for cultural activities on campus and in the community.



Seminario - Problemi e strumenti di lotta alla discriminazione razziale


Roma, 15 marzo 2005, Seminario di studio, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Via del Castro Pretorio 20, Aula 1



Forte Maximilian C.


Forte Maximilian C.


Assistant Professor Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology University College of Cape Breton



The Journal of Haitian Studies - Editor Claudine Michel University of California, Santa Barbara


University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

The Journal of Haitian Studies is the official publication of the Haitian Studies Association. It is the only refereed scholarly journal dedicated solely to scholarship on Haiti and Haiti's relations with the international community. It is published through the Center for Black Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The Journal's editorial board consists of leading national and international scholars specializing in a wide range of academic fields, including political science, sociology, education, literature, and religion. The Journal accepts manuscripts in English, French, Haitian Kreyol, and Spanish.



Interview with Lisa Nakamura Race and Cyberspace Geert Lovink, May 2004



Lovink Geert

Talking Race and Cyberspace Interview with Lisa Nakamura By Geert Lovink



African-Americans Create Online Identity



Greenspan Robyn

Combine phenomenal increases in buying power, a growing population, and rising Internet penetration, and find a valuable demographic market. The African-American community is becoming a strong online presence, and creating its own unique identity.



Natives on the electronic frontier: Television and Acculturation on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation



Mizrach Steve


In this paper, I will examine the question of the impact of television on the acculturation of indigenous people. Many anthropologists see television as a major causal force in the loss of indigenous culture. Through a research questionnaire, I surveyed 20 Lakota Sioux, and followed this up with unstructured interviews. They were questioned about their TV viewing habits and their interest and involvement in their own culture. I also conducted ethnographic interviews with other reservation residents on their perceptions of television. My findings suggest that TV does not play a role in acculturation of the Lakota people, and that it could even play a role in cultural preservation. This further suggests that anthropologists may need to revise some of their assumptions about technology’s effects on indigenous people.



Reshaping the Geography: Palestinian Communities Networks in Europe and the New Media



Hanafi Sari


The continuing difficulty of finding a solution to the physical return of the Palestinian Diaspora to the homeland is increasingly being addressed in the digital realm by the rise of virtual communities. PALESTA (Palestinian Scientists and Technologists Aboard) established at the end of 1997 in order to “harness the scientific and technological knowledge of expatriate professionals for the benefit of development efforts in Palestine”, has been one of the most important internet-based networks that have been developed to assist this process.



Indigenous Articulations



Clifford James

Taking its inspiration from the thought and action of Jean-Marie Tjibaou, this essay proposes a comparative analysis of "articulated sites of indigeneity." It explores the advantages and limitations of translating North Atlantic cultural studies approaches into island Pacific contexts. Stuart Hall's articulation theory is proposed as a partial way beyond the stand-offs created by recent debates around the "invention of tradition." The dialectic of indigenous and diasporic histories, roots and routes, is explored with regard to experiences of post- and neocolonial interdependence and pragmatic sovereignty.



From Smoke Cerimonies To Cyberspace: Globalized Indigenety, MultiI-Sited Research, and Internet.



Forte Maximilian C.


It is arguable that the "gloom and doom" phase, particularly in North American Anthropology, could not have come at a more inopportune time.  The motivation in making this observation stems from the transformation of the realities that ethnographers research into more complex subjects, requiring new methods, broadened analytical frames, and taking us into new fora of communication and cultural and interpersonal interaction.  Ethnography has become more challenging and promises richer insights than ever before as a result of phenomena such as community building in cyberspace and the transnationalization of putatively local, Indigenous communities and issues.  In this paper I examine these subjects through reflections on my twenty-one months of field research among the Caribs of Trinidad (still underway), by moving back and forth between the description of a reconstructed indigenous ritual, and the field methods that are used in gathering the data necessary for the description.  In this ritual I see a renegotiation of symbolic capital that spans local, national, regional and global levels.



The Basic Elements of a Systematic Theory of Ethnic Relations



Rex John


The theory of ethnic relations has developed ad hoc on an interdisciplinary basis. It has dealt with ethnicity in small communities, larger ethnic groups or "ethnies", ethnic nations, modernising nation states, subordinate nationalisms, the establishment of empires, post- imperial situations, transnational migrant communities and the political problems facing modernising nation states in dealing both with subordinate nationalisms and with migrant ethnic minorities.



Global culture, local cultures, and the Internet: the Thai example




This paper addresses the questions of whether, and if so, how and to what extent the Internet brings about homogenization of the local cultures in the world. It examines a particular case, that of Thai culture, through an investigation and interpretation of a Usenet newsgroup, soc.culture.thai.



Age, gender, ethnicity and the digital divide: University students’ use of web based instruction



Soker Zeev

This paper focuses on the effects of social-structural factors (age, ethnicity and gender) on university students’ use of web based instruction - WBI. The study uses data from registration questionnaires of students at the Open University of Israel. During the period between 1995 and 2002 there has been a continuous increase in the proportion of students who use the Internet and e-mail for study purposes.



Virtual environments as spaces of symbolic construction and cultural identity: Latin American virtual communities



Abdelnour Nocera José L.

The aim of this work is to understand the sociopsychological and cultural realities of virtual communities as live spaces of meeting and high interaction framed within the Latin American context. The study will consist of a comparative ethnographic study of several Latin communities, using the tools of participant observation and focused interviews.



Migrations and the Net: new virtual spaces to build a cultural identity



Prendes P., Martínez-Sánchez F., Castañeda L. J.

This paper presents some of the reflections, projects and results around the topics of multiculturalism and migration attained by the Educational Technology Research Group at the University of Murcia, some of them integrated in the Interuniversity Cooperation programmes promoted by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI). We pretend to analyze how the appropriate use of ICT in educational contexts allows to maintain the cultural characteristics of a community, while helping at the same time to promote a better knowledge and acceptance of other cultures.



The Future of (the) "Race": Identity, Discourse, and the Rise of Computer-mediated Public Spheres



Dara N. Byrne

Despite the range of challenges in discussing race in online forums, for young people, participating in dedicated social networking sites is especially important because they can be useful vehicles for strengthening their cultural identities, for teaching them how to navigate both public and private dimensions of their racial lives, and for providing them access to a more globalized yet unfixed conversation about their community histories.



Cultura, identità ed etnografia nell’epoca di Internet. Note dal cyberspazio



Bitti Vincenzo


La rivoluzione delle comunicazioni prodotta dall’esplodere delle reti telematiche di cui Internet, la Rete, è la materializzazione più visibile, ha effetti molteplici che coinvolgono potenzialmente tutte le sfere dell’attività e dell’organizzazione umana. E’ diffusa la sensazione che la posta in gioco delle trasformazioni in atto sia piuttosto alta, stiamo vivendo, molto probabilmente, un momento di passaggio epocale che sembra somigliare ad altri periodi cruciali della storia umana. Mark Poster la paragona all’emergere della cultura urbana e mercantile nel feudalesimo.



Cultural Uses of New, Networked Internet Information and Communication Technologies: Implications for US Latino Identities



McCreadie Lillie Jonathan James


School of Journalism and Mass Communications The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Committee Members: Lucila Vargas (advisor), Anne Johnson, Marcus Breen




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