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Religion and mysticism online

A collection of resources about

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blogs -forum

High Tech and Macumba


The Forum "High Tech and Macumba" discusses a broad range of problems related to religious and parareligious movements today. Our mission is to join specialists of the most different parts of the world. We would like to give them the opportunity to present the results of their research to a broader public of interested people. Further on we have plenty of room for discussion among all people interested in this field.



30 Most influential religion blogs



Purves, Libby

Bloggers about religion blog religiously so Faith Central has compiled a list of the most influential among them. In no particular order, this is intended to evolve, so let us know your suggestions.



Internet e la Madonna. The Cult of Religious Visions on the Web



Apolito Paolo


Internet and the changing face of Catholic visionary mysticism In his introduction to this fascinating new analysis, cultural anthropologist Paolo Apolito writes that " … in a decidedly greater measure with respect to other technological resources, the Web threatens to radically transform religious visionary culture and, consequently, Catholicism itself." The claims of Marian apparitions in the town of Medjugorje, Bosnia starting in 1981, and the diffusion of subsequent claims of visions there with advent of the Internet in the following two decades form the structural base of this important new analytical study. Does the democratic nature of access to digital technologies constitute a possible return to an archaic form of Catholicism that predates the modernizing reforms of the Second Vatican Council ? Or does the self-referential essence of the Internet preclude the dialectical dynamics inherent in traditional Marian visionary mysticism ? These are just some of the questions posed in this engaging and exciting new book. Brilliantly researched, and elegantly written, Apolito explores the cultural and philosophical implications of rapidly changing technologies, and the potential effects of those technologies on the relationship of the Catholic Church and its followers.



Apolito Paolo



Paolo Apolito is a professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Salerno, and the University of Roma Tre. He is the author of numerous books, published by il Mulino, Franco Angeli, and Editori Riuniti. Among his works are: "Dice che ha visto la Madonnna" (1990); Il cielo in terra: costruzioni simboliche di un'apparizione mariana (1992); Sguardi e modelli (1993); and La religione degli italiani (2001).



Transforming the Transformed: African Derived Religions in Cyberspace



Kremser Manfred

From a cultural anthropologistsperspective, interested in the correlations and convergencies betweenreligion, consciousness, and cyberspace, something significant is happeningat the turn of the millenium: the transition of mankind into a newanthropological space ¯ commonly called "cyberspace"or "space of knowledge" ¯ accompanied by the transformation ofhuman culture, communication, and consciousness.



La sacralizzazione del cyberspazio. Esempio di etnografia della Rete



Menicocci Marco


L’avvento dell’era digitale, effetto dello sviluppo delle tecnologie informatiche, comporta una crescita costante del numero di persone che utilizzano internet quale strumento oltre che per apprendere informazioni, anche incontrare amicizie, intrecciare amori, scambiare emozioni. In pratica internet sta diventando sempre più uno strumento attraverso il quale si stabilisce, con particolari caratteri, una vita di relazione. Anche le tematiche religiose hanno trovato il loro posto in questo uso della Rete, al punto che è possibile affermare che la religione, dopo il sesso e l’informatica sia, dal punto di vista dei singoli utenti (con esclusione, quindi, degli scambi tra istituti e organizzazioni), il terzo più diffuso tema attorno cui si concentrano gli interessi degli internauti (Hadden&Cowan 2000).




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