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17 items

Research Association

Digital Ethnography


Usa, Kansas State University

A working group of Kansas State University students and faculty dedicated to exploring and extending the possibilities of digital ethnography.


Research Association



UK, Lse, London

Ethnobase is a web resource for ethnographic approaches to studying Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The site is based at the London School of Economics, Department of Sociology, and aims to network the growing ranks of ICT ethnographers, increasing communication and awareness of our work.



Internet and Change. An Anthropology of Knowledge and Flexible Work



Jens Kjaerulff

How may internet use be related to social and cultural change? Debates on this question have proliferated. Yet, conceptions of change in such debates have remained conspicuously under-theorized. This book approaches these issues through anthropological research among ‘teleworkers’…



The Internet An Ethnographic Approach



Miller Daniel and Slate Donr


On the basis of perhaps the first regional study of the Internet, this book challenges concepts of virtual reality. Instead, it investigates how the Internet has become part of people's lives - from the middle class to squatters, from popular culture to ecommerce in Trinidad. Clearly written for the non-specialist reader, it offers a detailed account of the complex integration between on-line and off-line worlds. University of London



Etnografie tra on line e on line: appunti per una futura storia degli studi.



Bitti Vincenzo


La comparsa e l’affermarsi di Internet e delle nuove tecnologie dell’informazione, dai primi anni ‘80 in poi, hanno fisiologicamente suscitato la produzione di una gran quantità di testi, riflessioni e ricerche tale da configurare una nuova disciplina nell’ambito delle scienze umane e sociali, indicata con diverse e molteplici etichette: Cybercultures Studies, Computer Mediated Communication Studies, Internet Studies. Una specializzazione dalla vocazione fortemente multidisciplinare che incrocia diverse discipline quali antropologia e sociologia, lingusitica e politica, in proporzioni diverse a secondo dei luoghi e dei dipartimenti universitari che si sono avviati su tale indirizzo di studi.



One Hour in the eWorld Hot Tub: a brief ethnographic project in cyberspace



Hamman Robin


MA Dissertation by Robin B. Hamman, Department of Sociology, University of Essex, Colchester, UK (sito probabilmente dismesso)



Getting the Seats of Your Pants Dirty: Strategies for Ethnographic Research on Virtual Communities



Paccagnella Luciano

The study of social worlds built by people on computer networks challenges the classical dimensions of sociological research. CMC scholars are prompted to exploit the possibilities offered by new, powerful, and flexible analytic tools for inexpensively collecting, organizing, and exploring digital data. Such tools could be used within a Weberian perspective, to aid in systematic examination of logs and messages taken from the actual life of a virtual community.



Casting the Net: Surveying an Internet Population



Smith Christine B.

Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA
At any given moment there are thousands of surveys and polls being conducted on the web, yet surprisingly little scholarly research is reported about this new technique. After a summary review of the comparative literature on e-mail and "snail mail" and a more extensive review of research involving web-based methods, this article contrasts e-mail and web-based survey techniques used in an ongoing study of the web presence provider industry. Practical issues of web-surveying methods are highlighted, such as programming pitfalls, sample-building, and incentives.



One Hour in the eWorld Hot Tub: a brief ethnographic project in cyberspace



Hamman Robin

(non accessibile)



The Digital Ethnographer



Mason Bruce


Hypermedia offers ethnographers a powerful new medium for authoring. Its potentialities suggest various levels of convergence with the concerns of critical theory and post-paradigm ethnography. Nevertheless, the project of authoring academic ethnographic hypertexts is fraught with difficulty, not least due to the difficulties of formulating a new rhetorics which can offer the same persuasive power as the conventional printed narrative. Hypertext opens up particular kinds of authoring innovations, such as the linking together of data, analysis and interpretation in the same medium, and the juxtapositioning of materials in written, visual and aural forms. A new multi-semiotic ethnography is becoming possible through digital technologies, which will have to develop new ways of ordering academic argumentation and analysis.



Cyberscience and Social Boundaries: the Implications of Laboratory Talk on the Internet



Hine Christine


This paper examines the use of an online forum for the discussion of laboratory science.



Virtual Ethnography



Hine Christine

This paper explores methodological issues raised by an ethnographic approach to the Internet. The paper is motivated by an ongoing concern with the Internet as a technology and as a communication medium. The aim is to develop ways to study not just to how people use the Internet, but also the practices which make those uses of the Internet meaningful in local contexts. The first section of the paper maps out an emerging approach which is illustrated in the second section by data drawn from the Louise Woodward case. The final section reflects on the implications for methodological adequacy of an ethnographic approach increasingly divorced from reliance on a single bounded field site.



The Performance of Humor in Computer-Mediated Communication



Baym, Nancy

There has been very little work on humor in computer-mediated communication (CMC). Indeed, the implication of some CMC work is that the medium is inhospitable to humor. This essay argues that humor can be accomplished in CMC and can be critical to creating social meaning on-line. The humor of the Usenet newsgroup rec.arts.tv.soaps (r.a.t.s.), which discusses soap operas, is analyzed. The method combines user surveys with message analysis to show the prevalence and importance of humor in r.a.t.s.



Recherche ethnographique et communautés virtuelles: Entretien avec Alessandra Guigoni[1] Orazio Maria Valastro



Valastro Orazio Maria

L'ethnographie appliquée aux relations sociales et aux réseaux sur Internet, par sa pratique concrète d'immersion dans le milieu social, essaie de décrire l'histoire et le ressort des communautés virtuelles, analysant des espaces construits par les individus sociaux en même temps que leurs discours et leurs pratiques.



Computer Programs Used in Ethnography, Useful Freeware and Free Web Resources




Electropolis: Communication and Community On Internet Relay Chat



Reid M. Elizabeth

niversity of Melbourne, Department of History - This paper discusses interaction on 'Internet Relay Chat', the synchronous computer-mediated communication system available on that network. It is shown that the structure of IRC forces users to deconstruct many of the cultural tools that form the basis of more conventional systems of interaction...



Dallo spazio antropologico ai luoghi virtuali. Itinerari corsi del riconoscimento.



Mancini Giovanni

L'analisi di alcune mailing-list dei movimenti indipendentisti corsi. Un 'etnografia che indaga l' identità etnica e nazionalismo tra i luoghi "virtuali" della Rete .




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