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Virtually Islamic
News, Commentary, Information and Speculation about Islam in the Digital Age - part of
CYBERTERRORISMO - e-Jihad, la guerra santa elettronica
Pinchera Andrea
La guerra degli hacker è già oggi parte regolare dei conflitti regionali, religiosi, etnici, dal Medio Oriente a Taiwan. I contendenti lanciano attacchi ai siti avversari. Un gruppo definitosi Pakistani Hackerz Club, per esempio, ha recentemente colpito il sito dell’American Israel Public Affairs Committee rimpiazzando l’home page della potente lobby filoebraica con frasi anti Israele. Gli stessi pakistani, inoltre, si sono inseriti nel database del sito, impossessandosi del numero di carta di credito dei settecento sostenitori e inviandoli via mail a 3500 membri dell’Aipac per vantarsi del loro exploit.
New Media, New Politics? From Satellite Television to the Internet in the Arab World
Jon Alterman
On November 24, 1998, Jon Alterman presented the findings of his new Washington Institute Policy Paper, New Media, New Politics? From Satellite Television to the Internet in the Arab World, at the Institute's Special Policy Forum. Mr. Alterman directs Middle East activities in the U.S. Institute of Peace's Research and Studies Program and was a 1997–1998 Soref fellow at The Washington Institute. Ibrahim Karawan of the University of Utah provided commentary on the publication. The following is a rapporteur's summary of their remarks.
bibliografia contains a broad range of regularly updated materials associated with Gary R. Bunt's research on Islam and Muslims in cyberspace. The Virtually Islamic Blog contains the very latest headlines and commentary on Islam and the net, and is designed to augment the content of Dr Bunt's publications. Other areas of the site include online bibliographies, research archives, and Islamic Studies Pathways - together with information on how to obtain Dr Bunt's publications.
Virtually Islamic: Research and News about Islam in the Digital Age
Bunt Gary R. contains a broad range of regularly updated materials associated with Gary R. Bunt's research on Islam and Muslims in cyberspace. The Virtually Islamic Blog contains the very latest headlines and commentary on Islam and the net, and is designed to augment the content of Dr Bunt's publications. Other areas of the site include online bibliographies, research archives, and Islamic Studies Pathways . This is the mirror site to
centro di ricerca
Arab Information Project
We are studying the social, cultural, economic and political life of advanced communication and information technologies in the Middle East and in the "Middle Easts" overseas. The growth of the Internet, direct satellite broadcasting, cellular and other telecommunications systems calls for ongoing analysis of the changing communication and information cultures in the Arab world and the manifold influences conveyed by these new technologies.
Internet and the State: The Rise of Cyberdemocracy in Revolutionary Iran
Babak Rahimi
It was not long ago, in the not so long history of information and communication technology (ICTs), that the Internet was hailed as an emerging new democratic medium to undermine authoritarian regimes. Whether considering the increase in competence of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) on a global scale or the effect of information on local politics, cyberspace, understood as a digitally constituted means of communication, provided an exciting new frontier where political power manifested itself in a radical democratic way.
The Spatial Politics of Leisure: Internet Use and Access in Tehran, Iran
A regular column featured in the now-defunct liberal Iranian newspaper, Azadegan, written by Hossein Derakhshian, focused on the Internet. It was a combination of answers to questions and reports of technological developments, but occasionally addressed social points as well. These social points included concerns over economic stagnation, language constraints, and the lack of Internet availability outside of Tehran (Azadegan, January 11, 2000:9, and January 15, 2000:9). In one column in particular, Derakhshian wrote coyly, "Have you ever thought about the connection between this Internet column and the Politics page? The less said on this topic the better...." (Azadegan, January 3, 2000) Without saying anything directly, Derakhshian was alluding to the complex politics of Internet use in contemporary Iranian society.
L'internet en Syrie
Hasna Askhita
our le Dr. Hasna Askhita, l'internet, cette nouvelle technologie qui devient le moyen d'échange d'information le plus en croissance, constitue aujourd'hui la pierre angulaire des bibliothèques modernes. La Syrie a récemment rejoin la communauté internationale dans ce forum global pour fournir à son peuple la richesse d'information qui est contenu sur le Web. Cette présentation met rapidement en évidence l'importance de l'internet sur tous les aspects de la vie, particulièrement les bibliothèques modernes et l'économie. Tradotto in aarabo
Muslim Networks, Muslim Selves in Cyberspace: Islam in the Post-Modern Public Sphere
Anderson Jon W.
This paper examines how Muslim presences have emerged on the Internet and the role of religion - specifically, Islam - in this sphere. The paper looks beyond demographic expansion to its more social characteristics. Three stages or phases of this emergence may be identified: much as technological adepts were followed by officializing strategies, those in turn have been overtaken and surpassed in using the Internet by activist but distinctly moderate Islam, for which the Internet seems peculiarly congenial.
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