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Tag: Africa



Transforming the Transformed: African Derived Religions in Cyberspace

Kremser Manfred

From a cultural anthropologistsperspective, interested in the correlations and convergencies betweenreligion, consciousness, and cyberspace, something significant is happeningat the turn of the millenium: the transition of mankind into a newanthropological space ¯ commonly called "cyberspace"or "space of knowledge" ¯ accompanied by the transformation ofhuman culture, communication, and consciousness.

From a cultural anthropologistsperspective, interested in the correlations and convergencies betweenreligion, consciousness, and cyberspace, something significant is happeningat the turn of the millenium: the transition of mankind into a newanthropological space ¯ commonly called "cyberspace"or "space of knowledge" ¯ accompanied by the transformation ofhuman culture, communication, and consciousness.
