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Tag: censura su internet



Net Censors Active in China. OpenNet Initiative study reveals extensive Internet censorship in China, but also a few surprises.

Cubarrubia Eydie

It’s not unusual to purchase an international news magazine in China and have big black marks running through stories that the government considers sensitive—Taiwan, Tibet, and Tiananmen Square, to name a few. But a study published this week found Internet readers may not even see the story or the publication itself.


La censura web in forte crescita

Marco Deseriis

La Repubblica 28/3/2008 Access denied in 26 paesi del mondo. Non solo Cina, Iran e Arabia Saudita: sistemi di filtraggio sempre più sofisticati. Ma si evolvono anche i software di difesa

centro di ricerca

OpenNet Initiative

Internet censorship and surveillance are growing global phenomena. ONI’s mission is to identify and document Internet filtering and surveillance, and to promote and inform wider public dialogue about such practices.
