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Dellarocas Chrysanthos (Chris)
Research Interests: Reputation mechanisms, online trust, online communities, game theory, mechanism design, eBusiness, electronic markets, incentives in the design of computer systems. Chris
Dellarocas teaches Information
Systems at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University
of Maryland. He holds Ph.D.
And M.S. degrees in Computer Science from MIT and a Diploma in Electrical
Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens. His
research lies
at the intersection between information systems, economics, and policy. The focus of his work is the study of the
rapidly growing online "word-of-mouth" communities and their impact
on marketing, product development, and public opinion formation. He
studies the use of online reputation mechanisms as a low-cost trust
device in electronic markets. Before joining the Smith
School, Prof.
Dellarocas taught at MIT's Sloan School of Management. He has
worked as an
consultant for Andersen (now Accenture) and McKinsey. He is an inventor
with 3
patents and the co-founder of one software company.
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