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Memfest 2008 - Exploring radical beauty of comunication !




Memfest 2008 - Exploring radical beauty of comunication !


For the seventh year now, the organisers of Memefest, a "festival of radical communication," are encouraging students, professionals, artists and activists alike to contribute their talents to our collective counter-culture.

The Memefest team departs from the principle that there is too much talent and knowledge being wasted in communication practices that benefit only the ones that can afford to buy public/media space. More than this Memefest nurtures and rewards communication approaches and practices that exceed marketing communication, propaganda, public relations  and other media practices that reproduce hierarchical power relations in our societies. Radical communication works towards dialogue or establishes conditions for dialogue. It does so in  different ways and many submissions from almost sixty Countries that came to Memefest in the past six years did this in a innovative and inspiring manner.

This is also one of the reasons why our organisation is founded upon and nurtured by the hope for change.  Together, we can explore how socially beneficial  ideas and communications approaches can be created and  effectively practised in the public sphere.  Good communication is radical communication.

After a long and intense discussion the chosen  theme for Memefest 2008  is Radical Beauty.

With this theme we want you to explore radical beauty and use it for creation and social action for grassroots initiatives in your communities in ways that let the world fall in love with it.

Check out examples from previous years' festivals should you need inspiration or motivation.  

If you are not a student we invite you to participate in the ambitious Beyond… category, which accepts all and any types of submissions whose format deviates from the requirements of the first three categories.  

We invite your participation in this year's festival and are also open to new ideas.  Even if you choose not to contribute this year, we encourage you to send us your ideas and feedback, as ideally we would like to hear from, and collaborate with, as many people as possible. 

Just to mention that, in addition to our work in Slovenia, we have five global sibling collectives in operation, namely Memefest Brazil, Colombia, Australia,  Balkan and Spain.  We are open for your ideas and collaboration from around the world.

Memefest occurs completely online at www.memefest.org, and all entries will be available for full access and commentary in the site galleries. In 2007, Memefest received almost 500 entries from participants of every continent on the globe (‘cept Antarctica). We hope to get bigger, and to spread more of those good infectious ideas, so keep thinking- and creating.

Deadline for submissions is May 20th 2008!


media tattici, Digital Art, arte,
