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Storia della tecnologia

Una collezione di risorse

8 items

libro on line

Out of Control The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World



Kelly, Kevin

Out of Control is a summary of what we know about self-sustaining systems, both living ones such as a tropical wetland, or an artificial one, such as a computer simulation of our planet. The last chapter of the book, "The Nine Laws of God," is a distillation of the nine common principles that all life-like systems share.



How Community Memory Came to Be, Part 1



Lee Felsenstein

The Origins of Community Memory. The Community Memory Project had its origins in my quest for the right medium for the growth and realignment of communities. I had been through the 1960s in Berkeley, and had seen episodic community creation in 1964 with the Free Speech Movement.



Community Memory - 1972 - 1974, Berkeley and San Francisco, California



Szpakowski, Mark Szpakowski

Community Memory was the world's first public computerized bulletin board system. It was created by Efrem Lipkin, Mark Szpakowski, and Lee Felsenstein, acting as the Community Memory Project. Lee took care of hardware, Efrem software, and Mark user interface and information husbandry. A second incarnation of Community Memory, aimed at creating a global information network, appeared in the later seventies. Its major players were Efrem Lipkin and Ken Colstad.



Clock and calendar time: a missing anthropological problem



Postill John

The first part of this article surveys the anthropology of time, finding that very little attention has been paid to the myriad social uses of clocks, calendars and other chronometric technologies. The second part illustrates such uses among the Iban of Sarawak (East Malaysia).



Abandoned Technology


To celebrate, I am Legend, here is a chart of our favorite abandoned technology. Disused military equipment, famous aircraft bone yards, derelict lighthouses, fun fairs subway systems and railway locomotives.



Museo on line Breve Storia degli Strumenti di Calcolo



Le origini del computer sono molto più antiche di quanto si possa pensare. Sebbene il calcolatore come noi oggi lo conosciamo sia stato inventato solo negli anni della seconda guerra mondiale, l'uso di strumenti utili per il calcolo matematico si riscontra già nelle antiche civiltà con l'introduzione delle prime nozioni di matematica. L'obiettivo di questa mostra è quello di ripercorrere questa lunga storia, dalle radici, caratterizzate da strumenti molto semplici come l'abaco, ai moderni calcolatori elettronici.






Adminstered by the Science Museum in London. Presents an animated history of technology since 1750 and links scenes to educational material for high school students.



Elettropedia - archeologia della tecnologia



Archeologia della tecnologia Le tecnologie presenti in questa galleria provengono da varie epoche storiche. Si e' scelto di privilegiare oggetti elettrici anche se non tutte le tecnologie qui raccolte sono necessariamente elettriche. Il criterio di selezione fa invece necessariamente riferimento a tecnologie scomparse o difficilmente identificabili




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