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European Media, Technology and Everyday Life Network (EMTEL)



The Fifth RTD Framework Programme of the EU is presented under the heading Creating a user-friendly information society. It has as its main objective the realisation of “benefits of the information society for Europe both by accelerating its emergence and by ensuring that the needs of individuals and enterprises are met”. The European Media, Technology and Everyday Life Network (EMTEL) addresses this agenda directly. EMTEL is a research and training network of European social scientists investigating the social dimensions of the Information Society in Europe. It includes 7 partners in 6 different countries (Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Norway, the UK). It involves more than 20 scholars, working on 7 different projects, 2 Key Themes, providing training and research resources to 8 Young Research Fellows. A co-ordinated research and training programme addresses, from a user point of view, key issues and problems of the Information Society through a series of thematically interrelated case studies. EMTEL’s objective is to investigate the realities and dynamics of the User Friendly Information Society